Who are we

About Us

ranuba Inc was founded March 16, 2018 as a Public Benefit Organization with a global mission rooted in philanthrophic, humanitarian, environmental, and cooperative practices. At ranuba, we embrace the transformative power of Integrative Healing Arts, Wholistic Wellness, and Social Impact Travel. Within ranuba, Pioneers, Integrators, Drivers, and Guardians coexist, recognizing the importance of multi-disciplinary teams to provide diverse viewpoints in shaping an Innovative Vision. Beyond being a global collective, we are a movement with Creative Innovators committed to redefining the meaning of r/Evolution, while cultivating environmentally conscious Freedom Artists. We bridge the gap between Artists, Community Development Initiatives, Public Health, and Public Policy with our mission and vision focusing on developing innovative socio-economic and environmental solutions for at-risk, undervalued, and underserved communities.


We envision an International R/evolution of Freedom Artists, Socio-entrepreneurs and and Global Citizens living in harmony with a New Earth.


ranuba utiliizes the integrative healing arts, wholistic wellness, and social impact travel to cultivate environmentally conscious freedom artists.

Core Values

We believe in: Universal Human Being Rights, Animal & Environmental Protection, Authenticity, Integrity, Food Sovereignty, Creative Expression, commUnity, and Oneness,

Goals and Objectives

  • To promote positive change,joy, and wellness to schools, community centers, prisons, and mental health facilities while using creative and expressive arts activities.
  • To create safe and magical spaces for innovative workshops, superior services, transformative events, magical retreats, and exciting courses.
  • To formulate strategic solutions that tackle social, economic, and environmental challenges in disadvantaged and vulnerable regions.
  • To Bridge the gap between community development, public health, public policy, and creative arts to transcend perceived boundaries and overcomes worldly challenges.
  • To co-create a sustainable, eco-friendly Eco- Art + Wellness Intentional Community for individuals and families who align with our mission, vision, core values, and goals. On the other hand, to have Communal Spaces for Culture, Fun Creative Expression, Global Wellness and Eco-Tourism.
